Updates to the CDBG Annual Action Plans

Recent minor changes have been made to the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program in the following Annual Action Plans (AAP):  2019-2020, 2020-2021 (which is part of the 2020-2024 Consolidated Plan), and 2022-2023:

  • 2019-2020 Annual Action Plan Minor Amendment #1
    • PY 2019-2020 CDBG-CV funds were awarded to the Town of Pineville Lake Park Fitness Equipment project. Due to higher construction bids, an additional $30,000 CDBG-CV funds will be added to the project.
  • 2020-2021 Annual Action Plan Minor Amendment #2
    • PY 2020-2021 Program Administration unspent funds in the amount of $35,125 to be allocated to the PY 2019-2020 Huntersville Huntington Green SidewalkProject Phase I.
    • PY 2020-2021 Greater Matthews Habitat unspent funds in the amount of $5,222.64 to be allocated to the PY 2019-2020 Huntersville Huntington Green Sidewalk Project Phase I.
    • Unallocated funds in the amount of $141,603.37 to be allocated to the PY 2019-2020 Huntersville Huntington Green Sidewalk Project Phase I.
    • Unallocated funds in the amount of $47,009.13 to be allocated to the PY 2023-2024 Huntersville Huntington Green Sidewalk Project Phase II.
    • PY 2020-2021 Pineville South Polk Connector Sidewalk Project Phase I funds in the amount of $56,780 to be allocated to the PY 2023-2024 Huntersville Huntington Green Sidewalk Project Phase II.
  • 2021-2022 Annual Action Plan Minor Amendment #2
    • Unallocated funds in the amount of $22,639.82 to be allocated to the PY 2023-2024 Huntersville Huntington Green Sidewalk Project Phase II.
  • 2022-2023 Annual Action Plan Minor Amendment #1
    • PY 2022-2023 unspent Program Administration funds in the amount of $24,225 to be allocated to the PY 2023-2024 Huntersville Huntington Green Sidewalk Project Phase II.

If you need additional information about the minor amendments, you may reach out to Zsuzsi Kadar, Community Economic Development Administrator at [email protected], or by calling at 704-688-7033.